Corporate IT Training

Our training programs are rated top class by participating organizations. We put a lot of emphasis on delivering top-quality training programs,that are tailored to suit the requirements of the client organization, level of the participants and their prior familiarity with the subject, etc

We have a formal and rigorous process of internal training, evaluation and certification of our training professionals, to ensure that the programs delivered by them provide delight to the participants.

Corporates get the benefit of getting trainings at Pragati because we have high caliber, well experienced faculty, we provide the participants hands on training, spacious training environment, customized approach, refreshment support and a very responsive culture.

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Corporate-Training Program..

  • DotNet 4.5/4.0
  • Java
  • PHP
  • Android
  • SEO
  • HTML5
  • Jquery
  • Software Testing
  • NetWorking

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